Tuesday 29 March 2016

NGO and its roles in the society

Non government organization is a non- profit organization working closely with people often at grassroots level for various causes.  Some of them are working for protection of tress. Some may be supporting the child education. Other may in tribal areas improving living conditions and guiding people there to get basic education.   The field of an NGO is wide, often touching the social –economical levels of the country. Some are local in their work, while some have international presence. NGO working in human right areas have presence in many countries of the world.

 NGOs are independent of the government control; but they often work closely with the governments and often get political and financial support from the government, in form of grants. They are legal organization, constituted by conforming to the legal system of the country.

The work of an NGO can be put under some board categories and often most of them more or less work on same lines. They create communication channels for the underprivileged people to voice their problems and seek support for solutions within the framework of the law of the country. They try to influence the government to create policies for the betterment of poor people. This is done through participating in seminars, discussion with official or also through demonstrations. Since NGOs work at grassroots level, their insight is often more accurate than the official perception.

Governments often take lot of time in decision making process. An NGO on other hand can select any area for implementation of any innovative scheme to solve the traditional issues or for project study. Some areas, which are inaccessible to government machinery, are covered by the NGO involved in some social work. This creates conditions where the NGO can work with government for large purposes.

NGO use interpersonal Government Grants for NGO methods of communication and try to gain the trust of the community they intend to benefit.  They also have accurate knowledge of the project, they support. Since their studies are done without any political bias. This gives them unique advantage to help the government in formulating the right policies for the target people.

One of the most effective works of NGOs is creating awareness among the people living in far flung area, about the official policies and benefits for the intended people. The people from NGO help NGO Consultancy in New Delhi the local people to seek the help by literally guiding them to the government offices. The other way is to take the concerns at the grassroots level to the upper level of government where policies are formulated.

Some NGOs work in human right areas and promote and protect the right of people irrespective of their religion, caste, creed and nationality. Amnesty international is one such organization, which works in more than 150 countries of the world. This NGO conducts research and put pressure on other to prevent the violation of human rights. They also seek the punishment to those who violate the right of others. 

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